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Re: how do I Allow only a selected users to send mail to me ??

2000-05-02 08:08:51
You could use formail in the recipe or you could use formail to define
variables above the recipes.

see man formail

Lee Howard

At 09:57 AM 5/2/00 -0000, Steinar Skúlason wrote:
    I have a user list of all users I want to get mail from 
to my personal account .. the rest I want forwarded to another account that
I can read when 
I have time.   * ^FROM.* | grep -i UserList 
# this one is not working...  
 how can I capture the senders E-mail address and pipe it through a grep
command to search for a match ??  

 With Regards,   Steinar 
                TölvuMyndir ehf. 
                                    Sími: 545 3000 

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