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RE: extracting the TO username

2000-05-16 03:36:18
Try something like this (no guarantee on syntax or functionality):

* ^TO_\/*
USERNAME=`myscript "$MATCH"`
 * ^Subject:.*test

Lee Howard

(I don't think that the ! action expects to find a function.)

At 03:43 AM 5/16/00 -0400, Rav Ahuja wrote:

The ! action forwards to all the specified mail addresses.

But that is precisely what I want to do i.e. forward the email to the
address returned by myscript.

I'm not sure what you mean by not being able to start an action in a recipe
without piping the message to it. For example I am able to run the following
without any problems:

* ^Subject:.*test
! `myscript "$USERNAME"`

If only I could get USERNAME to contain the actual value of the person in
the TO field (or RECEIVED for) instead of hardcoding it as above.

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