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Re: Malfunction with SED

2000-06-21 01:43:27
era eriksson wrote:

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 01:05:15 -0600, SoloCDM <deedsmis(_at_)ris(_dot_)net> 
 > "David W. Tamkin" wrote:
 >> SoloCDM asked,
 >> | When combining two lines as one in sed's regexp/condition, is it
 >> | possible to combine the lines with a return in between?
 >> If you're trying to get two lines of text into the pattern space
 >> at once, the command in sed is N.
 > The following address commands are the most successful yet, when
 > executed at the bash command-line, but they refuse to work in
 > .procmailrc. I've tried several other address commands without
 > success in the right direction, so where does the problem exist?

Do you get the same sed version from your .procmailrc as from the
prompt? (Check whether you are executing on the same host. Check the
PATH. See <>)

I put the following path from the command-line in .procmailrc:

        type -all sed
        sed is /bin/sed

I'll definitely check into the link.  Thanks!


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