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Re: alternating messages

2000-06-22 08:32:26
Jeffrey Schoolcraft asked,

| I want to know if this is possible to do with procmail.  I have one email
| account, support, and I would like to be able to send incoming messages to
| various accounts.  I would really like to split them 50/50 so the first
| would go to support1 and second to support2.  Of course, i'd like to scale,
| but is this possible?

We recently had a similar question from someone who wanted to distribute
mail for support to several different staffers in rotation.  Easiest way
is to keep an extra file for it:

  :0fwh # put incoming postmark line where support person can see it
  | formail -R 'From ' Old-Postmark:

  INCLUDERC=.nextsupport # contents of .nextsupport are  NEXT=support1
                         # or  NEXT=support2
  ! $NEXT

  * NEXT ?? support1
  | echo "NEXT=support2" > .nextsupport
  | echo "NEXT=support1" > .nextsupport

  LOCKFILE # in case of fall-through

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