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Re: Directory and Mailbox permissions?

2000-07-14 15:37:20
From: Opcode <opcode(_at_)skylab(_dot_)2y(_dot_)net>

I'd like procmail to create the user mailboxes with rw user
permissions and ownership of user:user, but it insists on creating
them as rw user & group, with ownership of user:wheel. I've read faq
after faq and haven't come across anything. I've tried umask, but that
doesn't seem to do anything. What's the deal here?

If UMASK (upper-case) in the .procmailrc doesn't work, your system may
be set up to run ACLs (Access Control Lists), which override UMASK.  In
that case, you'll have to ask your sysadmin to adjust your ACLs or give
you permission to do that yourself.  (Assuming, of course, it's not your
own system.)

This ACL stuff is installed on a DEC Alpha system where
(see Reply-To:) resides.  I don't like them, personally, but that's
mainly because I'm not used to them.  And I have yet to be convinced
that they can do oh-so-much more than chmod/UMASK, security-wise.

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