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double command

2000-07-27 07:10:28

How do I do the following without running my external command twice?

Basically what I'm doing is comparing the incoming mail with a list of
lists that I'm on, and if I get a match, I save it to a file with the
same name that I matched on.  It took quite a bit of experimentation
to get this to work, but I'd like to run my external command
(mygrep.plx) only once, for efficiency.


LIST=`formail -x Subject: -x To: -x Cc: -x Sender: -x From: | 
* ? (formail -x Subject: -x To: -x Cc: -x Sender: -x From: | * 

mygrep.plx looks like this - 


my $lists = "/home/bringman/.procmail/lists";

open (IN, $lists) or die ("damn : $!");
my @file = <IN>;
close (<IN>);

while (<STDIN>) {
        foreach $line (@file) {
                chomp ($line) ;
                if ($_ =~ /$line/i) {
                        print (lc("$line\n"));
                        exit 0;

exit 1;

Rob Bringman

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