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Re: Some help for a tired pair of eyes

2000-09-19 20:59:22
In addition to Stan's advice, I have another suggestion for Colin:

| :0
| * ^From: .*\<www(_at_)cloud9\(_dot_)net>
| * ^Subject: .Subscribe Me Removal!
| {
| :0:
| rems
| }

Why are you opening braces just to do a single unconditional recipe?

| :0:
| * ^From: .*\<www(_at_)cloud9\(_dot_)net>
| * ^Subject: .Subscribe Me Removal!
| rems

That is equivalent and more efficient.  The problem I see is the same
in both of them.

And that problem is the extra period in the subject regexp.  I'm guessing
that this twit's mail comes through like this:

Subject: Subscribe Me Removal!

but your recipe looks for a second character after the space between the
colon and the capital S of "Subscribe," so it will never match when there
is just one space there and no second character.

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