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Making "finger anyuser" look normal with procmail

2000-09-21 12:39:20
I've been setting up and tweaking procmail the past few days and so far it
is working great.  There is one thing I can't figure out, and I can't find a
solution in any of the faq's that I've seen so far.  I use finger to check
if I have mail because it is a lot faster than loading up an email program.
After I got procmail running though, finger didn't display the "New mail
since..." message.  I searched through tons of faq's and found this recipe.

:0 chi
| /usr/5bin/touch $ORGMAIL

I put that at the top of my .procmailrc file and it fixes the problem
sometimes.  If the message gets caught by any of the other recipes, finger
won't display a new mail message.  If it doesn't get caught by any other
recipes and gets dumped to my default mailbox, finger works correctly.

What is that bit of code doing?  Why does it only work when it gets dumped
to the default mailbox?  Is it possible to have finger display "New mail
since..." whenever any messages come in?  Can I have certain recipes update
the "new messages" and have other ones not touch it?

Thank you for your time.

Shane Almeida

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