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Re: Replacing Characters in Variables

2000-09-21 22:18:59
Florian asked,

| Is it possile to replace characters in variables, for example:

| Now, before I use this variable like this:
|  | formail -i "From: niemand(_at_)nirgends(_dot_)de" -I "Subject: 
| , I want to strip all "<" and ">" in $MATCH.

| How can I achieve this ???

  # first pair of brackets enclose space, tab, less than, greater than
  # second pair of brackets enclose caret, space, tab, less than, greater than
  * ^Subject:[  <>]*\/[^        <>].*
  { SUBJECT="missing, blank, or empty" }

  * SUBJECT ?? [<>]
  SUBJECT=| echo "$SUBJECT" | tr -d '<>'

  :0fhw # since we now know $SUBJECT won't begin with a space
  | formail -i "From: niemand(_at_)nirgends(_dot_)de" -I "Subject: Wichtig: 

It could be done totally within procmail by using a recursive INCLUDERC, but
it is probably more efficient to fork a shell and tr.

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