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Re: Why procmail doesn't deliver

2000-11-10 11:33:57
Charles wrote:
Some user complains they did not receive mail. when that happens, root
gets theirs.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

The first thing is... was the mail addressed as 

    To: user3(_at_)thissite   ?

Or was it maybe

    To: somebody(_dot_)else(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)else
    cc: user3(_at_)thissite

?  Alternately, did something like this...

    To: user3(_at_)mailserver(_dot_)thissite

appear rather than "user3(_at_)thissite" ?

If the above doesn't solve the problem

1. Create a file containing the following, and call it 'x':


2. Get one of those emails that was received by root, put it in file 'y'

3. say:  procmail x < y

If the answer isn't apparent after executing #1-#3, then please 
send us the headers, particularly the header field that contains
"user3(_at_)thissite" that you thought should match, and the part of the
log that says what didn't match it.

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Collin Park                         Not a statement of my employer.
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