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Can't find the error printed iprocmail.log

2000-12-06 05:01:07

in my "procmail.log" I found this error:


procmail: Executing " (formail -r -A"X-Loop: 
m(_dot_)fihlon(_at_)mobilcom(_dot_)de" ;
cat $HOME/.mail-paketstatusdaten) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t"

procmail: Error while writing to " (formail -r -A"X-Loop:
m(_dot_)fihlon(_at_)mobilcom(_dot_)de" ; cat $HOME/.mail-paketstatusdaten) | 
-oi -t"

procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER= (formail -r -A"X-Loop:
m(_dot_)fihlon(_at_)mobilcom(_dot_)de" ; cat $HOME/.mail-paketstatusdaten) | 
-oi -t"

procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=Eingang"
procmail: Opening "Eingang"


Every paragraph is one big line.
My procmailrc looks like this:


* Subject: Paketstatusdaten*
    :0 c
    :0 c
    | (formail -r -A"X-Loop: m(_dot_)fihlon(_at_)mobilcom(_dot_)de" ; cat
$HOME/.mail-paketstatusdaten) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t


I want to grep all mails with a subject starting with
"Paketstatusdaten". That works fine. Then I want to save a copy in the
folder "Paketstatusdaten". That works, too. At least I want to send a
reply to the sender with the contents of the file
".mail-paketstatusdaten" as the body of the message.

There I get the above error in my "procmail.log", but the reply is
sent. The mail arrives in my inbox, but above the formail-action I
used ":0".

Can anybody tell my why?

Thank you and forgive my bad english,


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