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Re: Question on Autoresponse

2000-12-14 18:44:40
At 16:31 2000-12-14 -0700, Jim McMaster wrote:
I now have procmail running on my old mail server.  The only part not working
is in generating an autoresponse telling the sender my email address has
changed.  I have the following in .procmailrc:


#       File:           autoreply.rc
#       Description:    Procmail script for autoreply to inquiry
#       /* SBS  14 NOV 1996 13:18:23 */ Basic autoreply

# Autoreply a status message
# If it is looped or from the mailer daemon, do nothing more.
* $!^X-Loop: $MYADDR
| ( formail -rt -A "X-Loop: $MYADDR" \
        -I "Precedence: junk" \
        -I "From: MYADDR (the McMaster mailbot)" ;\
        cat $AUTOREPLY/newaddr.msg ) | $SENDMAIL -t

Set $AUTOREPLY to the path where the message file would be, and create the newaddr.msg to be the body of the mesage you want to send. Set $MYADDR to the email address you want the reply sent from. This is MUCH cleaner than trying to emit the message body using a stack of echo statements, and the whole recipe ports easily enough to other needs.

You may or may not want the FROM_DAEMON line in there, considering an increasing number of boneh^H^H^H^H^Hpeople are using email addresses like root and postmaster for regular mail (doh!).


Uh, that really should be something more like:

* $! ^X-Loop: $MY_XLOOP

You don't indicate what MY_XLOOP is defined as (well, I found it below in the dead.letter), but most typically people set it to the email address of the host account (and it isn't really a bad idea to stick to that convention). If you don't look for it specifically on an X-Loop header line, the darn thing wouldn't match because the address is likely to be found in a header like To: or Received:. Further, if the macro isn't expanded, then the raw text probably won't match anything in the headers and will result in a non-match (which, when !inverted, means this would always match).

| (echo "From: mcmaster(_at_)jcm(_dot_)stortek(_dot_)com" ;                     

You're better off defining From: by using formail itself. Also, while I might be wrong, the syntax of this is suspect - you're not piping it anywhere.

   $FORMAIL -rt -A"Precedence: junk"                                  \
   -A"X-Loop: $MY_XLOOP" -A"Subject: My email address has changed";   \

-A isn't correct for changing the Subject - it ADDS a line, reguardless of whether there is one by that name or not. You should use -I for headers of which there should only be one. See 'man formail'

   echo " My email address has changed\n"                             \

Pardon my ignorance, but exactly when did echo start recognizing the c-style character escapes?

procmail: Match on ! "MY_XLOOP"

Is this not indicative of anything to you?

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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