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Re: How to notify another e-mail address

2000-12-15 16:41:08
At 2:56 PM -0500 12/15/00, Harry Jensen is rumored to have typed:

It's for my wife who only check her e-mail weekly. I want to set up a rule
which will notify her cell phone with "You have got mail..". It will look
nice to see the sender e-mail address and name in the subject line on the
cell phone.

   My personal feelings about connecting those tiny screens to the Net aside,
take a step backwards and think about what you want to do:

   1) Get "From:" header field into variable.

   2) Create email message targeted to account two containing variable
created in step #1.

   3) Pipe message created in step #2 into sendmail (or whatever).

   This is relatively simple to do using procmail, formail, and sendmail.
Just break it down, check the man pages on how to do each part, and you'll
not only have it done in no time, but you'll also know a _whole_ lot more
about how the applications function. (Personally, I'd probably cheat and use
the -X flag to formail; but then I'm lazy and it saves adding the name of the
header field which you'd need to do if you used -x. I'd also drop the "You
have got mail..." and keep it REALLY simple, since those silly phones don't
display enough information per page for a chipmunk to read. I'd send "Mail
From: so-and-so <so-and-so(_at_)someplace(_dot_)net>" as a subject, no body, 
and hope
the person's name wasn't so long it carried onto the next page. WAP is just
the sound you hear when you get hit up-longside the head.  ;)

   If you run into any trouble during debugging, gimme a yell.

         Charlie (who is aware you really don't need the distinct steps
                   above, but wanted to KISS as a learning exercise)

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