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Re: Re-filtering....

2001-01-08 14:42:29
Re-filtering email is easy. Just move the mail you want to refilter
aside --- so the input to this process is no longer a possible
output destination of procmail --- then pipe the messages one at a
time into procmail.

With mbox format, you can pipe the old (moved) mbox through
"formail -s procmail"; for Maildir format you can hit the Maildir
with "find . -type f|xargs -l procmail". Once you're satisfied with
how the messages have been re-filed, you can delete the moved-aside

PS. I would be grateful for an idea of client-independent purging of
mailboxes, let's say, messages older than 14 days would be deleted....

For Maildir, that's awfully easy:

        find maildir-name -type f -mtime +14|perl -lne unlink


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