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Inserting From and To on the body of the msg

2001-02-14 06:57:57
Hello all,

I am using the recipe below (tks Philip Guenther). It is working as
Now I need a bit more. I need to insert the From and To in the beginning of
the body before the msg to be forward.

Any inputs will be appreciated.

Thank you all,

# The regexp for matching whitespace in the embedded header field
# of a multipart message.  We have to handle wrapped lines.
ws = '[         ]*($[   ]+)*'

# The regexp for matching 'anything' inside an embedded header
# field of a multipart message.  That is, it matches anything
# except the newline (not followed by a whitespace character)
# that terminates the header field.
dotstar = '.*($[        ].*)*'

# A single double-quote.  For use in variable expanded regexps to
# avoid problems related to how procmail implements the variable
# expansion
dq = '"'

# Any condition that uses any of these variables in a its regexp
# must have the '$' special before the regexp to tell procmail to
# do variable expansion on the regexp.

# That matches if there exists a embedded Content-whatever header field
# whose value, ignoring legal whitespace, matches the regexp
#       .*name="filename"

ext = '\.(xls|scr|vbs|shs|bat|com|exe|pif)'

:0 B
* $ ^Content-(Type|Disposition)*:${dotstar}name${ws}=${ws}${dq}.*${ext}${dq}
  ! auditor(_at_)click(_dot_)com(_dot_)br

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  • Inserting From and To on the body of the msg, Carlos Eduardo R. L. de Miranda <=