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Re: Any idea what "+R bad option" could mean..?

2001-03-01 00:59:49
"David W. Tamkin" <dattier(_at_)ripco(_dot_)com> writes:
Another argument in favor of using basenames instead of pre-set variables to
call executables.  Apparently there is no variable $RVCSTOR, so procmail
substitutes null for it and tries to execute +HamRadio/SETI-argus, and ap-
parently there is such a name in a directory in $PATH, but it is not an
executable binary (actually, it's a directory), so the kernel tries to get
/bin/sh to run it by name, and /bin/sh thinks +HamRadio/SETI-argus is an
option string.  H, a, and m don't upset sh but R does.

So as Rik said, fix the typo; better, call the program by its name and let
procmail (or the shell if there were characters from $SHELLMETAS in the
command) find it in $PATH.

Note that rcvstore is not normally installed in a standard bin directory.
David S. should put the line
        PATH = $PATH:/usr/lib/mh

near the top of his rcfile.

Philip Guenther
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