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Re: Nicer Error Message

2001-03-05 05:16:58

How is procmail to know that the maildir_deliver program failed because
the user was over quota?  I don't see anything in the maildir_deliver
output that procmail could key off of.

To turn it around: you can have procmail redirect or capture most of
that output, but you need to figure out what to do with what you've
got. What you can't change without changing the source to sendmail and 
procmail is eveything above the "Transcript of session follows" line, 
and the exact text at the bottom (sendmail generates that based on 
procmail's exitcode, so there's only a limited set and they have 
fairly precise and standard meaning that you don't want to mess with).

I see. But can I make it such that procmail returns a "normal" exitcode 
to sendmail and at the same time just throw back a generic message to 
the sender telling him that there were some problems with the email?

In this way, sendmail won't return the error message to the sender and 
at the same time I can have a more "human" error message.

Do you happen to know what I should do to my procmailrc file to achieve 
the above if it is possible?

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