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RE: Any logical combination of conditions

2001-04-09 11:41:15

I disagree very strongly.  The `E' flag is much quicker for procmail to
process than a search of the headers for an "X-Note:" entry (even if you
still filter through the formail filter to add the X-Note: so that you can
see it on the delivered message).  Then again, just sending the message to
an indicatively named folder can take the place of adding a header line.

Will the E flag work under these conditions:

conditions 1
{ }

conditions 2
{ }

conditions 3
{ }

That if the first is TRUE then both the 2nd and 3rd will *not* execute?

If you must use that X-Note: system, at least put the !^X-Note: condition

Yup, that's clearly a better idea if using the X-Note:

Finally, Timothy, why did you add carets to the conditions?  Marie never said
that they were left-anchored regexps; some or all of them might not be reg-
exps at all.

Point taken.  99% of the stuff I do is always left anchored, so I get to
thinking that way.


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