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Re: autoresponder

2001-04-11 05:47:55
Rui Luís Pires wrote:

On 11 Apr, Michele Cerioni wrote:
Hi, I have some problems with a simple autoresponder:

 [snip - his recipe]

OWNER1 and OWNER2 are alias of the same account. My first problem is to
set TOSENDER to the address in To:.
If someone send a mail to OWNER1 I would reply with OWNER1 in From.

Extract the destination of the incoming mail the same way you extracted
the subject.

SUBJ=`formail -xSubject:`
TO_=`formail -zxTo:`

In this way I get everythings  there is in To field. 

I would have in TO_ only my address. 

Moreover I would to capture my address in everywhere : CC field , BCC
field etc...

This is my output of debug.
procmail: Executing "formail,-zxTo:"
procmail: Assigning "TO_=mitechjjj <mitech(_at_)ptnet(_dot_)it>, micheletech
   michele(_at_)ptnet(_dot_)it, debora(_at_)ptnet(_dot_)it, pino 

I would have TO_=mitech(_at_)ptnet(_dot_)it or 
TO_=michele(_dot_)tech(_at_)ptnet(_dot_)it because
they are alias of the same user.

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