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Re: Post-processing of a Maildir/ ?

2001-05-28 16:53:57
Jaime asked,

| Hi. I'm pretty sure you've seen this a million times, but i haven't
| found it yet, so i'm asking. How do you process a Maildir/ using the
| rules you have for procmail without having to pass them through a
| server or something? i mean, how do you process it locally?

I gather that that's a qmail-style Maildir, so the actual messages are in
individual files in subdirectories of that directory (rather than files in
that directory itself).

Just guessing here, but if you're on a Unix or Unix-flavored system, your
shell should glob any wildcards before running the commands, so this should
be safe:

 cd wherever
 cat */* | formail -fs procmail

Note that the situation is different from reprocessing an mbox, where you
have to make sure that the reprocessing doesn't append any messages to the
same mbox that it's reading from, or you'll be reappending fresh copies
forever.  (Usually that's done by first moving the input file to a name
that procmail won't be using.)

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