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Re: procmail not found

2001-07-15 19:42:05

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Robert Hough wrote:

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001, Kayven Riese wrote:

% whereis procmail

That doesn't look good to me. Though, it's possible that procmail just
isn't in your path. Try this instead:

At your "%" prompt:
set path = (/bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin)
set path = ($path /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin $HOME/bin)

Pine finished -- Closed "INBOX". Kept 39 messages and deleted 2.
% set path = (/bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin)
set path = ($path /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin $HOME/bin)

  % % %
pwdet path
set: Syntax error.
% pwd
% set path = /bin
% pwd
%          > 

oops.. shheeet.. i didn't copy it but pine was not found after that.. 

i will try agin.. 

Type "exit" to menus
% set path = (/bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin)
% whereis procmail
% pine
pine: Command not found.

maybe i am a little confused about yer command(s??)..
is it one command or two?..

i should prolly try installing procmail at $HOME.. but 
now i haven't been able tofind the *#(_at_)# directions fer 
installation.. i got a * wassit file er something
er other i downloaded fer it.

Type "exit" to menus
% stty erase
% set path = ($path /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin $HOME/bin)
% whereis procmail

  interestingly, this time pine WAS found..  

I put it on two lines so you could easily read it, and cut & paste it if
need be. After you have done the above, try the "whereis procmail"
command again.

% procmail-l
procmail-l: Command not found.
%prcmail -l
prcmail: Command not found.

I meant, email the procmail mailing list. Also known as procmail-l... :)

umm.. woops.. i should do that now 2?  {:}

the director /bin/sh exists.. but it doesn't look like there is
anything in it.. is there a whichshell command? i will see if i 
can find that.. here is some stuf i did:

To use /bin/sh - you execute it like so:
% exec /bin/sh

the thing that confuses me about this is.. what do i do then? 
vi the .forward file and the .procmailrc file?  i mean this stuf
does its job whether i am online er not.. NO??

% exec /bin/sh
$ whereis procmail
agin.. pine WAS found.

/bin/sccs          /bin/sh            /bin/spellin       /bin/su

/bin/sh is not a directory by the way. I'm not sure if this will work
under AIX or not, but try using 'ls -F' instead. 

Pine finished -- Closed folder "INBOX". Kept all 39 messages.
% ls -F
4-28-01.WPD              dead.letter              prcmrc
Lectures2.cbv            expts.doc                proc.txt
Mail/                    findp.txt                proc_old/
Msgs/                    forfreek                 procmail-3.15.1.tar.gz
News/                    forward.txt              procmail-3.21.tar.gz
PROJECT.SAS              in-testing               procmail.txt
PROJECT.log              int_game/                public_html/
PROJECT.lst              jeff.htm                 sas_class/
Procmail/                lists.rc.davebb
bin/                     mail/                    sub.png
bounce.txt               mail_test/               the.procmailrc
chicago2045.ZIP          mbox*                    xit
core                     porc.txt

Under most UNIX boxes,
it will display like so:

[rch(_at_)tsunami rch]$ ls -F
Mail/ *      tmp/            twm/
Procmail/*     tsunami/

Names that appear like so 'Mail/' represent directories. Names with a
'*' at the end represent files that are executable. Names that have
nothing at the end of them are just plain files. Stuff with '@'
represent linked files. So on, etc. You can read more about the 'ls'
command on IBM's site which contains the 'man' pages you seem to be
oooooo...TAAAAYYY!!.. plastad dat up on mah web page:

onna link called 'man' (just an aside)
thank yee kindly, sir.  }:D

the command 'sh' to 'launch the bourne shell' and i got the 
$ prompt instead of the % prompt.. is this relevant to anything?

The various prompts are just a way to let you know what shell you are
using. "$" is a non-priviledged shell in 'sh' and 'bash' while "#"
represents a privileged shell in both 'sh' and 'bash'.

umm yeah.. that's what i thought.. never got a # prompt poysonally.. 
seen $ and % B-4 and stuf like ">" er somethin' though.

The 'csh' is a fine shell indeed, but I'm personally of the opinion that
all users should learn the 'Bourne Shell - sh' first. This is a default
shell on *every* version of UNIX that I have ever used. If you know
'sh', then in effect, you should be able to navigate any version of UNIX
you ever get stuck on.

umm.. i wasn't sure which one i started with.. but i switched to sh 
i think... that one command gave me MANY options.

oops.. what shell is the % shell?

The '%' prompt generally denotes 'csh'. You should be able to discover
what shell you are using by typing 'echo $SHELL' at the prompt, or 
'echo $shell'. You might have to try both ways, depending on the shell
you using.

$ echo $SHELL

but the problem with this is that i aready followed yer 'structions
and switched to $.. so i am not sure what the default is right now.

Robert Hough (rch(_at_)solveinteractive(_dot_)com)

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