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Re: Recipe processing

2001-10-16 10:35:45
Odhiambo Washington <wash(_at_)wananchi(_dot_)com> writes:
              :0 abcw
               | ( echo "$header" ; \
                   cat "/home/wash/.LOG/.hate-ms-doc" ; \
                   echo "The e-mail you sent is attached below" ; \
                   echo "" ; \
                   echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin returned mail ~~~~~~~~~~" ; \
                   expand | sed -e 's/[ ]*$//g' -e 's/^/ /' \
                 ) | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS -t

And my logfile says:

wash(_at_)ns2 ('tty') ~/Test 356 -> less logfile
procmail: Skipped "e"
procmail: Skipped "-mail you sent is attached below" ; \"
procmail: Skipped """ ; \"
procmail: Skipped ""~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin returned mail ~~~~~~~~~~" ; \"
procmail: Skipped "| sed -e 's/[ ]*$//g' -e 's/^/ /' \"
procmail: Skipped ") | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS -t"

You almost certainly have a space or a tab after one of the backslashes
which is supposed to be at the end of each line in the recipe quoted
above.  (Either that or you didn't actually cut-n-paste it into your
message and there's really a missing quote somewhere, but I'm betting
on the whitespace after a backslash.)

Odhiambo Washington                            \\\\              
Wananchi Online Ltd.,                          `\\\\\            
<21 more lines of sig deleted>

Please trim your sig to be at most four (_maybe_ five) lines long.  No one
here needs to know your postal address, GSM address, or either FAX address
(or should I have sent this reply via FAX?).  The Dave Barry quote and
the ascii art are cute, once.  After that they just draw attention from
your question.

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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