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Re: recipe to add names to a whitelist

2001-11-10 15:26:31
On 10 Nov, Professional Software Engineering wrote:
| At 15:49 2001-11-10 -0500, Don Hammond wrote:
| >If I understand correctly, there may be more than one addition to the
| >whitelist (space delimited). Right?  If your tr groks "\n" or "\012" and
| >supports -s, --squeeze-repeats (GNU tr does):
| >
| >   echo  "$WHITE" |tr -s ' ' '\n'
| The sed is also dealing with compacting multiple spaces (and importantly, 
| as corrected below, or tabs) into one, then replacing the single space with 
| a newline.[...]
| Anyway, this is intended to deal with "variance" in the input subject, 
| where you wouldn't want extra blank lines in your output.  If tr dealt with 
| "combo" character repeats, it'd definatley be a better choice.

Sorry. I didn't specifically say so, but I understood you were
"normalizing" whitespace before translating to \n. That's what tr -s
does, again, if your tr supports it. It will "replace sequence of
characters with one". So, including tabs now ...

 |( echo  "$WHITE" |tr -s ' \t' '\n' ) >> $WHITELIST

will do what you want, unless I'm still missing something. A couple
quick tests tells me it'll work with <space> and <tab> in any
combination (multiple, mixed, or not) as delimiters, and multiple
delimiters need not be identical.

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