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Re: From addy that starts with an underscore filter problem

2001-11-30 10:12:57
When I suggested,

 :0: # the brackets enclose caret, space, tab
 * ^From:(.*\<)?_[^     ]*@

Eric Krichbaum got some false negatives:

| I stuck this one in and it's not catching them all.  Specifically, it
| missed:
| From: "david basagic" <_dbasagic(_at_)mountain(_dot_)net>
| From: "Don Land" <_dwl(_at_)access(_dot_)mountain(_dot_)net>
| but I'm not seeing why? They both include the <_yadda@ pattern.

Well, the pattern isn't "<yadda@" but rather "\<yadda@"; still, \< will
match "<", so I'm baffled.  Can anyone else figure it out?  Even if Eric
cut-and-pasted it and the tab got converted to spaces, it still should have
matched those two.

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