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Re: help with recipe

2001-12-07 13:37:03
At 12:50 2001-12-07 -0600, Michael Geier wrote:
        pipe $MATCH to home-grown script
        log action

:0 c
* ^Subject:.*string
* B ?? .*<\/[(_dot_)a-z0-9(_at_)_-]*[^>]

I am having some issues with the logging portion of the recipe and have
removed my blunders.

well, uh, that doesn't help us understand where you're going wrong.

* ^Subject:.*string
* B ?? .*<\/[(_dot_)a-z0-9(_at_)_-]*[^>]
        # if your homegrown script outputs to a file, it'd better
        # perform it's own locking.  Otherwise, add an explicit lockfile here.
        |echo "$MATCH" |

        LOG="we be logging something.  Note how we force newline.

Note that the copy flag moved down to where we invoke the script (which would == delivery), so that the original message continues along to permit the LOG event to occur, and the remaining filters will act upon it (as per your original script having had the 'c' flag, I presume that's what you want to happen).

I don't follow why you're matching a leading < on the body address, but matching for *NOT* a trailing bracket.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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