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Re: what if procmail knew about MIME?

2001-12-11 00:02:33
On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 08:03:34PM -0800, Professional Software Engineering 

While I wish dealing with some MIME things was easier, the fact remains 
that the bulk of the problem with MIME messages are the lack of consistency 
from one originating app to the next.  Passing the message through a fixup 
filter could do a lot for dealing with that.

Woop, woop, woop.  Any recommendations on tools?

I get regular complaints from users of Netscape Messenger 4.x who find
that email coming from their friends who use MS OE is "blank".  The
real problem appears to be that MS OE is giving us a header line of:

  Content-Type: multipart/related; type="multipart/alternative"

which appears to confuse Netscape even more than it confuses me.  The
body of the message then has a block that is multipart/alternative,
which in turn contains additional blocks that are text.

Since the eventual attachments are all text/plain or text/html, Netscape
doesn't consider them to be attached files.  But if the end-user doesn't
turn on "View attachments inline" in the View menu, they'll never know
there's anything more than empty space in the inbound mail.  There was
no problem until MS OE started sending MIME attached MIME attachments.

  Paul Chvostek                                             
  Operations / Development / Abuse / Whatever       vox: +1 416 598-0000
  IT Canada                                  

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