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Filter Question

2002-01-26 15:35:40
I've been going through and completely revamping my ~/.procmailrc just

Thus far, everything works great!  My new SPAM filters have me a very happy
man right now.  (Thanks to some help from  But I'm
having a bit of problems with one filter.

It's a filter I use for myself.  All the email I send to myself from various
locations, isn't being filtered like I thought it would.  

Maybe I have the wrong idea with my filter, but here's what it wrote up.

# This filter is for all mail I send myself.

My main email address is timh(_at_)domain1(_dot_)net(_dot_)  But I also have 
another email
address that I use for consulting etc; which is this email address,

I *THOUGHT* I could just use tim(h) to capture timh(_at_)domain1(_dot_)com and
tim(_at_)unixtechs(_dot_)org(_dot_)  But it doesn't seem to work that way.  I 
have both
domains specified in my filter.

I later changed the filter to included both userIDs like so:


That seems to work.  I know, at which point I should just stop my
complaining and use that filter, but I also have others that are set up in
similar fashion, and wanted to know if that format is even possible.

Anybody have any imput on that?  Thanks for any help!

  T. Holmes  |  |  tim(_at_)unixtechs(_dot_)org  |  UIN:  
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