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Re: formail -a ?

2002-03-13 14:07:55
David W. Tamkin:
Mike Loiterman asked,

| Why won't this work?
| :0fw
| * ^X-message-flag:  \/.*;
| | formail -a "X-spam-flag $MATCH" -I "X-message-flag: Flag Removed"
| All I want to do is move whatever was in X-message-flag to
| X-spam-flag and rewrite X-message-flag to be "Flag Removed"

You didn't tell us what happens instead, but I'd guess that the first
thing to
try would be putting the missing colon into "X-spam-flag: $MATCH" and
seeing if
that helps.

There are also 2 spaces after '^X-message-flag:'.
Maybe this works better:

*$ ^X-message-flag:${WSP}*\/.*;

where $WSP holds a space and a tab.
Is there really always a semi-colon at the end?


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