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Re: reply-to list-address

2002-03-25 22:43:34
Erik wrote that he's doing this on his incoming copies of articles from this

|    :0:
|    * ^From procmail-admin
|    | formail -i"Reply-To: procmail-users(_at_)procmail(_dot_)org" >>

Ruud is doing something similar.

It occurs to me, though, that it might be better to use formail's -a option
than -i.  If a poster specifically wants private replies and has submitted
the post with a Reply-To: line back to him/herself for that reason,
formail -i will shunt it off to Old-Reply-To:, and then Ruud or Erik will
reply publicly on the list, contrary to the poster's wishes.  Perhaps it is
better to use formail's -a option and add Reply-To: only if the poster hasn't
taken a stand on the issue.

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