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Re: Attachment Filtering

2002-04-16 10:51:05
I had suggested to Myles,

If a message has a forbidden attachment type, test its ID against the
cache.  If the ID is already in there, don't send the autoresponse.  If the
ID was not previously there (formail -D will add it), send it.

He responded,

| In my scenario I can't have the 'formail -D' pipe at
| the top of the procmailrc.  If it is at the top, a user can't send a
| message to more than 1rcpt even if it doesn't have an attachment.

That's why I said "*IF* the message has a forbidden attachment type."  The
idea was, all along, to test for that and to use the ID cache only for
messages that you're rejecting, those where you don't want to deliver even
one copy.  If the message is otherwise acceptable for delivery, don't toss

| I fixed this by putting the 'formail -D' pipe in the { } after the file
| attachment check.

Fine.  That's one of several possible ways to do it.

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