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Re: Auto-answer with attachment

2002-08-05 11:02:00

I still don't get it...

Do you have some "Howto-links" I could visit somewhere?

Or simply imagine following situation... autoreply a mail which is filtered by 
destination (admin(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)net) and key-word
(ftp-list) in subject-line. The replied mail should contain a new body message 
(/home/message-txt) and an attached html-file

Here is my /etc/procmailrc


* ^TOadmin
* ^Subject:.*ftp-list
* ! ^X-Loop: ftp-admin(_at_)mydomain\(_dot_)net

:0 c :
| sudo /usr/sbin/message.cfg > /home/message-txt.html

| ( formail -r -A "X-Loop: admin(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)net" -I "From: 
admin(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)net" -I "MIME-version: 1.0" -I "Content-
Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"htmlfilexyz\"" -I "Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; 
charset=ISO9660" ; cat /home/message-txt.html )
 | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

As you can see I've started to work on your solution, but I really don't get 
it.... it would be really nice to give either some good
informative links to that subject or help with my query... ;-)

Thanks a lot

M. W.

PS: And what about mimencode, I think I will have then to download some 
mimencode tool, right? What's best?

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