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Re: help w/procmail recipe

2002-09-09 19:34:10
On 2002-09-09 20:40:02, Jon Bernard wrote:
  Sender: announcement list <CS5704_91420(_at_)listserv(_dot_)vt(_dot_)edu>
  Sender: announcement list <CS5204_91412(_at_)listserv(_dot_)vt(_dot_)edu>
  Sender: vegroup Discussion List <VEGROUP(_at_)listserv(_dot_)vt(_dot_)edu>

I want to throw all email from *(_at_)listserv(_dot_)vt(_dot_)edu into it's 
folder. Here is the recipe I've written:

  * ^Sender:.*<\/[^ >`';]+
  lists/`echo $MATCH | sed -e 's/[\/]/_/g' | tr A-Z a-z`

You missed the mailbox part between the '<' and '@'.

Allan Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

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