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Newbee shell problem

2002-09-30 12:18:24
Hi there,

Now I hope you guy's don't start laughing out loud, but I'm just getting
involved with procmail since 2 month's and I'm cornered with a little 

What I want to do is the following. I want to take the date from the Date
field of a message and use that to create a string in the format
yymmdd corresponding with the date of the message. This is what I got:

DATE=\"`formail -xDate:`\"
DATEFILE=`date -d $DATE +%y-%m-%d`

If I take a look at the log output I come up with:

procmail: Assigning "DATE=" Tue, 17 Sep 2002 19:22:12 +0100""
procmail: Executing "date,-d,",Tue,,17,Sep,2002,19:22:12,+0100",+%y-%m-%d"
date: too many non-option arguments
Try `date --help' for more information.
procmail: Assigning "DATEFILE="

It seems that the comma's in $DATE screw the whole thing up.

Who helps?

PS I´m aware the date gets converted to local time, it´s intentional.

Flon's Law:
        There is not now, and never will be, a language in which it is
the least bit difficult to write bad programs.

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