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Help: What is the log said ?

2002-10-01 06:03:18

It seems something wrong with following log message:
\"Error while writing to \"perl -p -e \'

my procmail.log said following message, what should I do ? thanks...

Sanitizing MIME attachment headers in \"php-db Digest 1 Oct 2002 11:39:57 -0000 
Issue 1442\" from php-db-digest-help(_at_)lists(_dot_)php(_dot_)net to 
procmail: Error while writing to \" perl -p -e \'        #\\
      $pastmsghdr = 1 if /^\\s*$/;        #\\
      $XCS = \"X-Content-Security: [\" . $ENV{\"HOST\"} . \"]\" unless $XCS;    
      if ($pastmsghdr) {        #\\
        if (!$mimebdry && $mimebdrs[0]) {        #\\
          warn \" Found no MIME boundary.\\n\" if $ENV{\"DEBUG\"};        #\\
          $mimebdry = pop @mimebdrs;        #\\
          $newbdry = pop @newbdrs;        #\\
          $rawbdry = pop @rawbdrs;        #\\
          $bdrytoolong = pop @bdrstoolong;        #\\
          $gotbdry = pop @gotbdrs;        #\\
          $nullbdry = pop @nullbdrs;        #\\
        }        #\\
        $_ = \"\" if $strip_attachment && !$gotbdry;        #\\
      } else {        #\\
        if (($type,$format,$junk) = 
/^Content-Type\\s*:\\s.*(application|multipart|message)\\/(\\S+)(;.*)?$/i) {    
          $wanthdr = 1;        #\\
          print \"X-Security: MIME headers sanitized on \", $ENV{\"HOST\"}, 
\"\\n\";        #\\
          print \"\\tSee\\n\";;        #\\
          print \"\\tfor details. \\$Revision: 1.134 $x\\$Date: 2002-04-21 
16:30:40-07 $x\\n\";        #\\
          print \"X-Security: The postmaster has not enabled quarantine of 
poisoned messages.\\n\" unless $ENV{\"SECURITY_QUARANTINE\"};        #\\
          if ($type =~ /application/i) {        #\\
            $inmimehdr = 1;        #\\
          } elsif ($type =~ /message/i && $format =~ /rfc822/i) {        #\\
            $rcrsmsg = $inmimehdr = 1;        #\\
          }        #\\
        } elsif (/^\\S/) {        #\\
          $wanthdr = 0;        #\\
        }        #\\
        if ($wanthdr) {        #\\
          if (($mimebdry) = 
/boundary\\s*=\\s*((\"\")|(\"[^\"]+\")|([^\"]\\S+))/i) {        #\\
            $mimebdry =~ s/(^\"|\"$)//g;        #\\
            $rawbdry = $mimebdry;        #\\
            $gotbdry = 1;        #\\
            $wanthdr = 0;        #\\
            $bdrytoolong = $nullbdry = 0;        #\\
            if ($bdrytoolong = (length($mimebdry) > 80)) {        #\\
              warn \" Truncating long MIME body-part boundary string.\\n\";     
              $newbdry = substr($mimebdry,0,64);        #\\
              $mimebdry = quotemeta($mimebdry);        #\\
              s/${mimebdry}/${newbdry}/;        #\\
              $rawbdry =~ s/${mimebdry}/${newbdry}/;        #\\
            } elsif ($nullbdry = (length($mimebdry) < 1)) {        #\\
              warn \" Replacing null MIME body-part boundary string.\\n\";      
              $newbdry = \"==NULL_MIME_BOUNDARY_ATTACK_SANITIZED-${$}==\";      
              s/boundary\\s*=\\s*\"\"/boundary = \"${newbdry}\"/i;        #\\
            } else {        #\\
              $mimebdry = quotemeta($mimebdry);        #\\
            }        #\\
          }        #\\
        }        #\\
      }        #\\
      if ($mimebdry || ($gotbdry && $nullbdry) || $inmimehdr) {        #\\
        if (/^\\s*$/) {        #\\
          $inmimehdr = 0;        #\\
          if ($rcrsmsg) {        #\\
            push @mimebdrs, $mimebdry;        #\\
            push @newbdrs, $newbdry;        #\\
            push @rawbdrs, $rawbdry;        #\\
            push @bdrstoolong, $bdrytoolong;        #\\
            push @gotbdrs, $gotbdry;        #\\
            push @nullbdrs, $nullbdry;        #\\
            $mimebdry = $newbdry = \"\";        #\\
            $rcrsmsg = $pastmsghdr = $bdrytoolong = $gotbdry = 0;        #\\
          }        #\\
        } elsif (/^--${mimebdry}(--)?$/) {        #\\
          $mend = $1;        #\\
          s/${mimebdry}/${newbdry}/ if $bdrytoolong;        #\\
          s/^--/--${newbdry}${mend}/ if $nullbdry;        #\\
          if ($mend) {        #\\
            if ($mimebdrs[0]) {        #\\
              $mimebdry = pop @mimebdrs;        #\\
              $newbdry = pop @newbdrs;        #\\
              $rawbdry = pop @rawbdrs;        #\\
              $bdrytoolong = pop @bdrstoolong;        #\\
              $gotbdry = pop @gotbdrs;        #\\
              $nullbdry = pop @nullbdrs;        #\\
            }        #\\
          } else {        #\\
            $inmimehdr = 1;        #\\
            $rcrsmsg = $strip_attachment = $check_attachment = 0;        #\\
          }        #\\
        } elsif (!$inmimehdr && $strip_attachment) {        #\\
          $_ = \"\";        #\\
        } elsif (!$inmimehdr && $check_attachment) {        #\\
          $check_attachment = 0;        #\\
          if ($destf = `mktemp /tmp/mailchk.XXXXXX`) {        #\\
            chomp($destf);        #\\
            if (open(DECODE,\"|mimencode -u -o $destf\")) {        #\\
              do {        #\\
                print $_;        #\\
                print DECODE $_;        #\\
                $_ = <>;        #\\
                $lastline = $_;        #\\
              } until (/^\\s*$/ || /^--/);        #\\
              close(DECODE);        #\\
              $msapp = $score = 0;        #\\
              @scores = ();        #\\
              $why = \"\";        #\\
              # Run virus-checker here.        #\\
              open(ATTCH,\"< $destf\");        #\\
              while (<ATTCH>) {        #\\
                if (/(\\000|\\001|\\004)(VirusProtection)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"    99 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 99;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(select\\s[^\\000]*shell\\s*\\(\\s*[\"\\047])/i) {    
                        $why .= \"    99 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 99;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(regedit)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(Shell\\s*\\()/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(Save(Normal|Properties)Prompt)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(Outlook\\.Application)\\000/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(CountOfLines)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(AddFromString)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(StartupPath)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     9 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 9;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(CreateObject)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     4 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 4;        #\\
                }        #\\
 {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     4 for $&\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 4;        #\\
                }        #\\
 {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     4 for $&\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 4;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/(\\000|\\004)(Subject|Body)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     4 for $&\\n\" unless $scores[0];        
                        $scores[0] = 4;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(Options[^\\w\\s])/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     2 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 2;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(CodeModule)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     2 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 2;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(([a-z]+\\.)?Application)\\000/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     2 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 2;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/(\\000|\\004)stdole/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     2 for $&\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 2;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/(\\000|\\004)NormalTemplate/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     2 for $&\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 2;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(ID=\"{[-0-9A-F]+(}\")?)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     4 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 4;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(ThisWorkbook)\\000/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     1 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 1;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/\\000(PrivateProfileString)/i) {        #\\
                        $why .= \"     1 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 1;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (/(\\000|\\004)(ActiveDocument|ThisDocument|ThisWorkbook)/i) 
{        #\\
                        $why .= \"     1 for $&\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 1;        #\\
                }        #\\
                        $why .= \"     1 for $1\\n\";        #\\
                        $score+= 1;        #\\
                }        #\\
                $msapp+= 1 if /\\000(Microsoft (Word Document|Excel 
              }        #\\
              close(ATTCH);        #\\
              unlink($destf);        #\\
              if ($msapp) {        #\\
                for (@scores) {        #\\
                  $score += $_;        #\\
                }        #\\
                if ($histfile = $ENV{\"SCORE_HISTORY\"}) {        #\\
                  if (open(HIST,\">>$histfile\")) {        #\\
                    print HIST \"score=$score to=\".$ENV{\"TO\"}.\" 
from=\".$ENV{\"FROM\"}.\"\\n\";        #\\
                    close HIST;        #\\
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
                $poison_score = $ENV{\"POISONED_SCORE\"};        #\\
                $poison_score = 5 if $poison_score < 5;        #\\
                if ($score > $poison_score && !$ENV{\"SCORE_ONLY\"}) {        
                  warn \" POSSIBLE MACRO EXPLOIT: Score=$score\\n\";        #\\
                  print \"\\n\\n--$rawbdry\\n\";        #\\
                  print \"Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;\\n\";        #\\
                  print \"$XCS NOTIFY\\n\" if $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY\"} || 
                  print \"$XCS REPORT: Trapped poisoned Microsoft 
attachment\\n\" if $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY\"} || 
                  print \"$XCS QUARANTINE\\n\" if 
                  print \"Content-Description: SECURITY WARNING\\n\\n\";        
                  print \"SECURITY WARNING!\\n\";        #\\
                  print \"The mail delivery system has detected that the 
preceding\\n\";        #\\
                  print \"document attachment appears to contain hazardous 
macro code.\\n\";        #\\
                  print \"Macro Scanner score: $score\\n\";        #\\
                  if ($ENV{\"SCORE_DETAILS\"}) {        #\\
                          print \"Macro Scanner score details:\\n\";        #\\
                          $why =~ s/[\\000-\\011\\013-\\037]//g;        #\\
                          print $why;        #\\
                  }        #\\
                  print \"Contact your system administrator 
immediately!\\n\\n\";        #\\
                }        #\\
              } else {        #\\
                $score = 0;        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($lastline =~ /^--${mimebdry}(--)?$/) {        #\\
                $inmimehdr = 1;        #\\
                $check_attachment = 0;        #\\
                $lastline =~ s/${mimebdry}/${newbdry}/ if $bdrytoolong;        
              }        #\\
              print $lastline;        #\\
            } else {        #\\
              warn \"*** Decoding: $!  - mimencode?\\n\";        #\\
            }        #\\
          } else {        #\\
            warn \"*** Cannot extract - mktemp?\\n\";        #\\
          }        #\\
        }        #\\
        if ($inmimehdr || $hdrcnt) {        #\\
          if (/^(\\s+\\S|(file)?name)/) {        #\\
            s/^\\s*/ /;        #\\
            s/^\\s*// if $hdrtxt =~ /\"[^\"]*[^;]$/;        #\\
            s/\\s*\\n$//;        #\\
            $hdrtxt .= $_;        #\\
            $_ = \"\";        #\\
          } else {        #\\
            if ($hdrtxt) {        #\\
              $hdrtxt =~ s/([^\\\\])\\\\\"/\\1\\\\\xFF/g;        #\\
              if ($hdrtxt =~ /`\\s*`/) {        #\\
                warn \" Fixing double backquotes.\\n\";        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ s/`\\s*`/\\\\\"/g;        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($hdrtxt =~ /^[-\\w]+\\s*:.*name\\s*=\\s*\"[^\"]+$/i) {        
                warn \" Fixing missing close quote on filename.\\n\";        #\\
                $hdrtxt .= \"\\\"\";        #\\
              }        #\\
              while (($hdr, $val) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^([-\\w]+)\\s*:.*\\s(\\S+)\\s*=\\s*\"\"/i) {        #\\
                warn \" Null $val in $hdr header.\\n\";        #\\
                $sval = quotemeta($val);        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ s/\\s$sval\\s*=\\s*\"\"/ X-$val=\"{null value 
sanitized}\"/;        #\\
              }        #\\
              unless ($ENV{\"SECURITY_DISABLE_OUTLOOK_HACKS\"}) {        #\\
                while (($hdr,$filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
 {        #\\
                  warn \" Fixing file name \\\"$filen\\\" in ${hdr}:\\n\";      
                  $newfilen = $filen; $filen = quotemeta($filen);        #\\
                  $hdrtxt =~ s/\\s+\\047${filen}\\047/, 
filename=\"${newfilen}\"/ig;        #\\
                }        #\\
              }        #\\
              while (($junk,$filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
{        #\\
                warn \" Fixing unquoted filename \\\"$filen\\\".\\n\";        
                $newfilen = $filen; $filen = quotemeta($filen);        #\\
                if ($newfilen =~ /\\.[a-z0-9]+\"[a-z0-9\"]+$/i) {        #\\
                  warn \" Defanging quotes-in-extension attack.\\n\";        #\\
                  while ($newfilen =~ /\\.[a-z0-9]+\"[a-z0-9\"]+$/i) {        
                    $newfilen =~ s/\\.([a-z0-9]+)\"([a-z0-9\"]+)$/.$1$2/i;      
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
                $newfilen =~ s/\\\"/\\\\\"/g;        #\\
                if ($newfilen =~ /\\([^)]*\\)/) {        #\\
                  warn \" Removing embedded RFC822 comments.\\n\";        #\\
                  $newfilen =~ s/\\([^)]*\\)//g;        #\\
                }        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ s/name\\s*=\\s*${filen}/name=\"$newfilen\"/ig;       
              }        #\\
              while (($filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
 {        #\\
                warn \" Fixing encoded plain characters in 
\\\"$filen\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                $newfilen = $filen; $filen = quotemeta($filen);        #\\
                while ($newfilen =~ /=(2e|3[0-9]|[46][1-9a-f]|[57][0-9a])/i) {  
                  $char = chr(hex(\"0x$1\"));        #\\
                  $newfilen =~ s/=$1/$char/gi;        #\\
                }        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ s/name\\s*=\\s*\"${filen}\"/name=\"$newfilen\"/ig;   
              }        #\\
              while (($filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-[-\\w]+\\s*:.*name\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]+)[\\.\\s]+\"/i) {        #\\
                warn \" Fixing trailing spaces/periods in filename.\\n\";       
                $newfilen = $filen; $filen = quotemeta($filen);        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ 
s/name\\s*=\\s*\"${filen}[\\.\\s]+\"/name=\"$newfilen\"/ig;        #\\
              }        #\\
              while (($filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-[-\\w]+\\s*:.*name\\s*=\\s*\"([^\"]{120})[^\"]{16,}\"/i) {        #\\
                warn \" Truncating long filename \\\"$filen...\\\".\\n\";       
                $filen =~ s/\\s+$//;        #\\
                $filen .= \"...\";        #\\
                $filen .= \"?=\" if $filen =~ /^=\\?/;        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ s/name\\s*=\\s*\"[^\"]{128,}\"/name=\"$filen\"/i;    
                $mangle_mime_type = 1;        #\\
              }        #\\
              if (($mtype) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-Type:\\s+([a-z0-9-_]+\\/[a-z0-9-_]+)/i) {        #\\
                unless ($mtype =~ /^(multipart|text|message)\\//i) {        #\\
                  unless ($hdrtxt =~ /name\\s*=\\s*\"/i) {        #\\
                    $dfrhdr .= \"$hdrtxt\\n\"; $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($hdrtxt =~ /^Content-Transfer-Encoding\\s*:/i) {        #\\
                $dfrhdr .= \"$hdrtxt\\n\"; $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
              }        #\\
              if (($filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
 {        #\\
                $stripped = 0;        #\\
                if (!$poisoned && ($specf = $ENV{\"STRIPPED_EXECUTABLES\"})) {  
                  if (open(STRIPPED,$specf)) {        #\\
                    warn \"Checking document \\\"$filen\\\" for 
stripping.\\n\";        #\\
                    while (chomp($stp_spec = <STRIPPED>)) {        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/^\\s+//g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/\\s.*$//g;        #\\
                      next unless $stp_spec;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/([^\\\\])\\./$1\\\\./g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/\\*/.*/g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/([^\\(])\\?/$1./g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec .= \"(\\\\?=)?\\$\" unless $stp_spec =~ /\\$/;  
                      warn \"Checking against \\\"$stp_spec\\\"\\n\" if 
$ENV{\"DEBUG\"};        #\\
                      if ($filen =~ /^${stp_spec}/i) {        #\\
                        warn \" Stripped document \\\"$filen\\\".\\n\";        
                        $stripped = 1;        #\\
                        print \"Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"$XCS REPORT: Microsoft attachment 
\\\"$filen\\\" stripped\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"Content-Description: SECURITY NOTICE\\n\\n\";   
                        print $ENV{\"STRIPPED_WARNING\"};        #\\
                        print \"Filename: $filen\\n\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"More headers follow:\\n\\n\" unless 
$pastmsghdr;        #\\
                        $_ = $dfrhdr = $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
                        $strip_attachment = 1;        #\\
                        $inmimehdr = 0;        #\\
                        last;        #\\
                      }        #\\
                    }        #\\
                    close(STRIPPED);        #\\
                  } else {        #\\
                    warn \" Unable to open stripped-executables file 
\\\"$specf\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (!$poisoned && !$stripped && ($specf = 
$ENV{\"POISONED_EXECUTABLES\"})) {        #\\
                  if (open(POISONED,$specf)) {        #\\
                    warn \"Checking document \\\"$filen\\\" for 
poisoning.\\n\";        #\\
                    while (chomp($psn_spec = <POISONED>)) {        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/^\\s+//g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/\\s.*$//g;        #\\
                      next unless $psn_spec;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/([^\\\\])\\./$1\\\\./g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/\\*/.*/g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/([^\\(])\\?/$1./g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec .= \"(\\\\?=)?\\$\" unless $psn_spec =~ /\\$/;  
                      warn \"Checking against \\\"$psn_spec\\\"\\n\" if 
$ENV{\"DEBUG\"};        #\\
                      if ($filen =~ /^${psn_spec}/i) {        #\\
                        warn \" Trapped poisoned document \\\"$filen\\\".\\n\"; 
                        $poisoned = 1;        #\\
                        print \"Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"$XCS NOTIFY\\n\" if $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY\"} 
|| $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY_VERBOSE\"};        #\\
                        print \"$XCS REPORT: Trapped poisoned Microsoft 
attachment \\\"$filen\\\"\\n\" if $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY\"} || 
                        print \"$XCS QUARANTINE\\n\" if 
                        print \"Content-Description: SECURITY WARNING\\n\\n\";  
                        print $ENV{\"POISONED_WARNING\"};        #\\
                        print \"Macro Scanner score: 0 (poisoned by name, scan 
skipped)\\n\\n\";        #\\
                        last;        #\\
                      }        #\\
                    }        #\\
                    close(POISONED);        #\\
                  } else {        #\\
                    warn \" Unable to open poisoned-executables file 
\\\"$specf\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
                $check_attachment = 1 unless $ENV{\"DISABLE_MACRO_CHECK\"};     
              }        #\\
              if (($bndry) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-Type:\\s+multipart\\/.*\\s+boundary\\s*=\\s*\"?([^\"]+)\"?/i) {       
                push @mimebdrs, $mimebdry;        #\\
                push @newbdrs, $newbdry;        #\\
                push @rawbdrs, $rawbdry;        #\\
                push @bdrstoolong, $bdrytoolong;        #\\
                push @gotbdrs, $gotbdry;        #\\
                push @nullbdrs, $nullbdry;        #\\
                $mimebdry = $newbdry = $bndry;        #\\
                $mimebdry = quotemeta($mimebdry);        #\\
                $rcrsmsg = $bdrytoolong = $gotbdry = 0;        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($hdrtxt =~ /^Content-Type:\\s+message\\/rfc822/i) {        #\\
                if (!$inmimehdr) {        #\\
                  push @mimebdrs, $mimebdry;        #\\
                  push @newbdrs, $newbdry;        #\\
                  push @rawbdrs, $rawbdry;        #\\
                  push @bdrstoolong, $bdrytoolong;        #\\
                  push @gotbdrs, $gotbdry;        #\\
                  push @nullbdrs, $nullbdry;        #\\
                  $mimebdry = $newbdry = \"\";        #\\
                  $rcrsmsg = $pastmsghdr = $bdrytoolong = $gotbdry = 0;        
                } else {        #\\
                  $rcrsmsg = 1;        #\\
                }        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($ENV{\"SECURITY_STRIP_MSTNEF\"} && $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-Type:\\s+application\\/MS-TNEF/i) {        #\\
                print \"Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;\\n\";        #\\
                print \"$XCS REPORT: Stripped MS-TNEF attachment\\n\";        
                print \"Content-Description: SECURITY NOTICE\\n\\n\";        #\\
                print $ENV{\"TNEF_WARNING\"};        #\\
                $_ = $dfrhdr = $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
                $strip_attachment = 1;        #\\
                $inmimehdr = 0;        #\\
              }        #\\
              while (($filen) = $hdrtxt =~ 
 {        #\\
                $stripped = 0;        #\\
                if (!$poisoned && ($specf = $ENV{\"STRIPPED_EXECUTABLES\"})) {  
                  if (open(STRIPPED,$specf)) {        #\\
                    warn \"Checking \\\"$filen\\\" for stripping.\\n\";        
                    while (chomp($stp_spec = <STRIPPED>)) {        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/^\\s+//g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/\\s.*$//g;        #\\
                      next unless $stp_spec;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/([^\\\\])\\./$1\\\\./g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/\\*/.*/g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec =~ s/([^\\(])\\?/$1./g;        #\\
                      $stp_spec .= \"(\\\\?=)?\\$\" unless $stp_spec =~ /\\$/;  
                      warn \"Checking against \\\"$stp_spec\\\"\\n\" if 
$ENV{\"DEBUG\"};        #\\
                      if ($filen =~ /^${stp_spec}/i) {        #\\
                        warn \" Stripped executable \\\"$filen\\\".\\n\";       
                        $stripped = 1;        #\\
                        print \"Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"$XCS REPORT: Attachment \\\"$filen\\\" 
stripped\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"Content-Description: SECURITY NOTICE\\n\\n\";   
                        print $ENV{\"STRIPPED_WARNING\"};        #\\
                        print \"Filename: $filen\\n\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"More headers follow:\\n\\n\" unless 
$pastmsghdr;        #\\
                        $_ = $dfrhdr = $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
                        $strip_attachment = 1;        #\\
                        $inmimehdr = 0;        #\\
                        last;        #\\
                      }        #\\
                    }        #\\
                    close(STRIPPED);        #\\
                  } else {        #\\
                    warn \" Unable to open stripped-executables file 
\\\"$specf\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
                if (!$poisoned && !$stripped && ($specf = 
$ENV{\"POISONED_EXECUTABLES\"})) {        #\\
                  if (open(POISONED,$specf)) {        #\\
                    warn \"Checking \\\"$filen\\\" for poisoning.\\n\";        
                    while (chomp($psn_spec = <POISONED>)) {        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/^\\s+//g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/\\s.*$//g;        #\\
                      next unless $psn_spec;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/([^\\\\])\\./$1\\\\./g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/\\*/.*/g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec =~ s/([^\\(])\\?/$1./g;        #\\
                      $psn_spec .= \"(\\\\?=)?\\$\" unless $psn_spec =~ /\\$/;  
                      warn \"Checking against \\\"$psn_spec\\\"\\n\" if 
$ENV{\"DEBUG\"};        #\\
                      if ($filen =~ /^${psn_spec}/i) {        #\\
                        warn \" Trapped poisoned executable 
\\\"$filen\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                        $poisoned = 1;        #\\
                        print \"Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN;\\n\";        #\\
                        print \"$XCS NOTIFY\\n\" if $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY\"} 
|| $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY_VERBOSE\"};        #\\
                        print \"$XCS REPORT: Trapped poisoned executable 
\\\"$filen\\\"\\n\" if $ENV{\"SECURITY_NOTIFY\"} || 
                        print \"$XCS QUARANTINE\\n\" if 
                        print \"Content-Description: SECURITY WARNING\\n\\n\";  
                        print $ENV{\"POISONED_WARNING\"};        #\\
                        last;        #\\
                      }        #\\
                    }        #\\
                    close(POISONED);        #\\
                  } else {        #\\
                    warn \" Unable to open poisoned-executables file 
\\\"$specf\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                  }        #\\
                }        #\\
                unless ($stripped) {        #\\
                  warn \" Mangling executable filename \\\"$filen\\\".\\n\";    
                  $newfilen = $filen; $filen = quotemeta($filen);        #\\
                  $newfilen =~ s/\\.([-a-z0-9{}]+(\\?=)?)$/.${$}DEFANGED-$1/i;  
                  $hdrtxt =~ 
s/name\\s*=\\s*\"?${filen}\"?/name=\"$newfilen\"/ig;        #\\
                  $mangle_mime_type = 1;        #\\
                }        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($mangle_mime_type && $hdrtxt =~ /^Content-Type:\\s/i) {       
                ($oct) = $hdrtxt =~ /^Content-Type:.*\\s(\\S+\\/\\S+;?)/i;      
                warn \" Mangling MIME type \\\"$oct\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                unless ($oct =~ /application\\/octet-stream;/i) {        #\\
                  print \"$XCS original Content-Type was $oct\\n\";        #\\
                  $oct = quotemeta($oct);        #\\
                  $hdrtxt =~ s/${oct}/application\\/octet-stream;/i;        #\\
                }        #\\
              }        #\\
              if ($mangle_mime_type && $hdrtxt =~ /\\sx-mac-\\S+/i) {        #\\
                $eudora = \"\";        #\\
                while (($eh) = $hdrtxt =~ /(\\sx-mac-\\S+\\s*=\\s*\\S+;?)/i) {  
                  $eudora .= $eh;        #\\
                  $eh = quotemeta($eh);        #\\
                  $hdrtxt =~ s/${eh}//i;        #\\
                }        #\\
                print \"$XCS removed$eudora\\n\";        #\\
              }        #\\
              if (($junk) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-Type\\s*:\\s+(.{128}).{100,}$/i) {        #\\
                warn \" Truncating long Content-Type header.\\n\";        #\\
                $junk =~ s/\"/\\\\\"/g;        #\\
                $hdrtxt = \"Content-Type: X-BOGUS\\/X-BOGUS; 
originally=\\\"$junk...\\\"\";        #\\
              } elsif (($junk) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-Description\\s*:\\s+(.{128}).{100,}$/i) {        #\\
                warn \" Truncating long Content-Description header.\\n\";       
                $hdrtxt = \"Content-Description: $junk...\";        #\\
              } elsif (($junk) = $hdrtxt =~ 
/^Content-[-\\w]+\\s*:\\s+(.{128}).{100,}$/i) {        #\\
                warn \" Truncating long MIME header.\\n\";        #\\
                $junk =~ s/\"/\\\\\"/g;        #\\
                $hdrtxt =~ s/^Content-([-\\w]+)\\s*:.*$/X-Overflow: Content-$1; 
originally=\"$junk...\"/i;        #\\
              }        #\\
              $hdrtxt =~ s/\\\\\xFF/\\\\\"/g;        #\\
              print \"$hdrtxt\\n\" if $hdrtxt;        #\\
              $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
              if (!$inmimehdr) {        #\\
                if ($dfrhdr) {        #\\
                  if ($mangle_mime_type && $dfrhdr =~ /^Content-Type:\\s/i) {   
                    ($oct) = $dfrhdr =~ 
/^Content-Type:[^\\n]*\\s(\\S+\\/\\S+;?)/i;        #\\
                    warn \" Mangling MIME type \\\"$oct\\\".\\n\";        #\\
                    unless ($oct =~ /application\\/octet-stream;/i) {        #\\
                      print \"$XCS original Content-Type was $oct\\n\";        
                      $oct = quotemeta($oct);        #\\
                      $dfrhdr =~ s/${oct}/application\\/octet-stream;/i;        
                    }        #\\
                  }        #\\
                  print $dfrhdr; $dfrhdr = \"\";        #\\
                }        #\\
                $poisoned = $mangle_mime_type = 0;        #\\
              }        #\\
            }        #\\
            if (/^\\S/) {        #\\
              s/\\s*\\n$//;        #\\
              $hdrtxt = $_;        #\\
              $_ = \"\";        #\\
              $hdrcnt++;        #\\
            } else {        #\\
              $hdrcnt = 0;        #\\
              $hdrtxt = \"\";        #\\
            }        #\\
          }        #\\
        }        #\\
      }        #\\
    \' 2>> $LOGFILE\"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

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