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Re: chowning messges delivered to specific user through /etc/procmail

2002-10-07 08:33:18
Mark followed up,

| The 'i' flag works well for both of the first two suggested ways, but
| still outputs a Folder line into my $LOGFILE.  (see below)  Anyway I can
| change the behavior of it to NOT log on the chown part?  Perhaps changing
| LOGABSTRACT's value on the fly?  (exmaple would be great...)

Yes, exactly.  Just add   LOGABSTRACT=off  before the recipe that calls chown.

| I'm not very
| familiar with it, but the info for TRAP from the man page looks like it
| will log too.

No, it normally doesn't.

 * conditions
   TRAP='chown virus "$LASTFOLDER"' # apostrophes, not backticks


Actually, I'd recommend doing it that way, because it saves the effort of
chown -R.  On the other hand, having no maildir experience, I could be wrong
about how LASTFOLDER is set after a save to a maildir; if $LASTFOLDER ends up
with the name of the directory rather than that of the file, you'll still
need -R.

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