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Adding custom mail headers via a filter?

2002-10-14 21:59:36
I currently make use of Paul Jay Luca's filtmail script in conjuction with procmail.

So my final procmail rule is

#let filtmail do the rest
:0 HB
* ? $HOME/.filtmail/filtmail

filtmail sees all incoming mail. I have filters setup to do a number of different things such as alert me of incoming messages on my cell phone, screen out spam based on certain criteria that I prefer to specify in perl rather than procmail syntax and a couple of other things.


What I'd like to do is change this rule so that instead of screening out all mail to /dev/null that it copies to another mailbox.

currently I copy all incoming mail via a rule before the above one thus

* !^TO(_dot_)*ann(_at_)elastica(_dot_)com
* !^FROM.*(robert(_at_)elastica(_dot_)com|steffi(_at_)?)

however, I'd like to be able to change the final rule to

#let filtmail do the rest
:0 HB
* ? $HOME/.filtmail/filtmail

so that my filter can "explain" why it considered the message as spam.

In order to do this I want to add custom headers to the incoming messages in my filter.

How is it possible to modify the incoming message from within a filter?

Does procmail see the filters stdout?

The filter sees the message via stdin obviously but how do I mess about with that?

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