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Re: Load limiting virus filters in Procmail

2002-11-22 03:06:04
Tim Allen skribis:

Some spam filters can be CPU and memory hogs. I recently installed
Spamassassin on an otherwise adequate mail server (admittedly pretty
ancient hardware) and found that multiple instances of Spamassassin were
virtually bringing the system to it's knees. A simple fix was to add a
lock file, so ensuring that only one Spamassassin ran at any time:


Hope this may be useful to someone else.

It's much cheaper do DNSBL first, and only hand over those messages to
content-filters that were not tagged by DNSBL already.

The only content-filters I use are characterset-tests and virus-signatures,
both only called after a specific header-test (so that they are almost
never called).

Affijn, Ruud

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