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sendmail/procmail virtusertable/aliases problem

2002-12-18 09:57:43

I'm currently using procmail 3.21 on a RedHat 7.2 together with sendmail 8

Pop3 is handled by Teapop 0.3.5. 

I wrote some recipies which mark emails with some spam characteristics with

in the subject line. This works fine as long as I send emails to user
accounts (users

present in /etc/passwd).

However, I configured Teapop to use /mail/users as the basic directory
instead of

/var/spool/mail. All domains on my server are also listed in the
/etc/mail/domain file.

To handle those users without system accounts, I create an entry like 

"foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com" in the virtusertable and "

in the /etc/aliases file. This worksfine for all incoming mails. But
procmail does _not_ do

any parsing/replacing/filtering of the emails. But it does filter emails for
a user present in

/etc/passwd. If I do not enter the aliases to both sendmail files, sendmail
complains that

the user is unknown an rejects the email (I'm testing with a telnet on port

How can I instruct sendmail to pass _all_ emails to procmail (just like it
does for passwd-

accounts)? Plus, why are the emails not piped to procmail? I spent about 1-2
weeks messing

around with lots of pop3 servers to find one who can do text (or mysq)-based
auth instead 

of /etc/passwd. I just need to find a solution for this...

Thanks a lot


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