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Converting HTML email (fixed)

2003-02-10 16:28:30
On 03 Feb 03, Stephen Patterson (steve(_at_)lexx(_dot_)uklinux(_dot_)net) wrote:
I've recently started receiving a lot of HTML mail from mailing lists,
and I want to rewrite it into plain text so I can read it a lot easier
in mutt.  This is what I've got at the moment which works fine for
conversion but not identification.  

After a few suggestions from this list and some experints (from
mozilla) I've got down to this 3-liner, which even preserves attached
non-html files (tested with a jpeg).

:0 HBfbw
* Content-type.*html
| uudecode | lynx -dump -stdin

I'm just about to open this up on list messages (around 30 per day)
for some more exhaustive testing.

Stephen Patterson
steve(_at_)SPAM(_dot_)lexx(_dot_)uklinux(_dot_)net  remove SPAM to reply        
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