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Re: Adding a header - at a certain location within the headers

2003-02-21 15:58:24
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, S. Morgan Friedman wrote:

SMF> However, some tricky spamsters are getting through the near-infallible
SMF> whitelist system using a sneaky method: their final header is the subject
SMF> line, which contains two carriage returns -- therefore, when you append a
SMF> new header via procmail, the e-mail browser does not detect it as a header
SMF> (the extra blank line after subject makes it think that the headers have
SMF> ended and the content of the e-mail begins). For example, here are the
SMF> headers from a recent spam that I received, including the spam header that
SMF> procmail added to it:

I don't follow the logic of this.  If the headers are terminated with a
new line and the last header has two new lines after it, then those two
new lines are not part of the header.  They can't be as the first new line
will indicate the boundry between the header and the extra new lines will
be part of the body.

So, I think, you should be looking for a fault in your recipe.


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