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Re: How to use a global .procmailrc ?

2003-03-24 06:04:35
On 24 Mar 2003 jaigopal (jaigopal(_at_)rdsindia(_dot_)com) wrote:
I have a .procmailrc which works fine when placed in the user's home
directory. But its not working under /etc. :((
Can't it be placed like that? what changes needs to be done ?
How do I set up /etc/procmailrc for system-wide use?
What permissions and ownership should be set? I am calling procmail from

I'm pretty sure that /etc/procmailrc needs to be *owned by root*
and not have group or world write permission. For example
-rw-r--r-- will work.

Let us know if that helps,
 also learning about /etc/procmailrc (and will respond to Sean's
 nice message about my "archiver" questions soon)

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