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Re: Log rule actions?

2003-07-19 14:41:04
On Saturday, Jul 19, 2003, at 15:23 Canada/Mountain, Phil Hilton wrote:
        * hits\=1\.1
        * tests\=FAILURE\_NOTICE\_2\,TO\_MALFORMED
           LOG="Double Bounce Message - Dropped$NL"


Now I would _like_ the phrase "Double Bounce Message - Dropped." to appear in the procmail log _AND_ have it delete the message, but everything I've tried in order to accomlish this has just messed up the rule. I can get it to log the phrase but then it give me a "Skipped: /dev/null" error (because it only handles 1 action) or i can get it to writes it to a file called 'Log="Double Bounce Message - Dropped."' (not what I want at all).

% man promailrc | grep -A8 {
{ Followed by at least one space, tab or newline will mark the start of a nesting block. Everything up till the next closing brace will depend on the conditions specified for this recipe. Unlimited nesting is permitted. The closing brace exists merely to delimit the block, it will not cause procmail to terminate in any way. If the end of a block is reached processing will con- tinue as usual after the block. On a nesting block, the flags `H' and `B' only affect the conditions leading up to the block,
              the flags `h' and `b' have no effect whatsoever.

NB: the $NL assumes that you have perviously defined


in the file.

'When I think I might die without seeing a hundredth of all there is to see it makes me feel, well, humble, I suppose. And very angry, of course.' -- Terry Pratchet, The Colour of Magic.

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