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Re: procmail oddity with searching bodies

2003-08-11 07:09:06
Kurt Hindenburg posted some code that is hard to describe without a sick
pun on his name. Among Dallman Ross's suggested improvements was this (typo corrected):

        SUBJ_ = `formail -zxSubject: | sed 's/[         ]*$//'`

We can go even farther. That assignment can be done within procmail without the three (formail, sed, and a shell to handle the pipe) outside processes. The two sets of square brackets each enclose caret, space, tab, and question-mark construct is there in case the subject has only one non-whitespace character:

 * ^Subject:.*\/[^      ](.*[^  ])?
 { SUBJ_ = $MATCH }

If you're uncomfortable depending on procmail's parsimony to the left of \/, you can write the condition like this (the first pair of brackets enclose space and tab):

 * ^Subject:[   ]*\/[^  ](.*[^  ])?

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