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Re: I can't use procmail

2003-10-14 04:51:39
At 10:17 2003-10-14 +0200, Nicolas Godzik wrote:
I have tested two possibilities of .forward


"| IFS=' '&& exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #godzik"

Not /usr/local/bin/procmail ?

As for the suggestion that the hashmark isn't appropriate, that isn't your problem - the hash before your userid IS part of the standard invocation.

/usr/bin/procmail is well installed on the mail server

Positive?  Is the MX the _same_ host that your shell account is on?

in all cases when I activate the .forward, the mails are not yet delivered to me, with a .procmailrc or not, it is the same.

Well, the exit 75 is EX_TEMPFAIL to the MTA, i.e. "try again later", so do these messages end up in the mail queue, or are they gone?

What is in your ~/.procmailrc? have you tried just using a dead simple recipe? How about renaming the .procmailrc (so the .forward invoked procmail runs, but doesn't process any local rcfile which MAY be buggy). Are the perms correct? Heck, are the perms for the .forward correct? Have you tried setting a VERBOSE logfile in your .procmailrc to see what procmail is doing IF it is successfully starting?

Hit the link in my .sig, and download and READ the script, then run it and see what it tells you about your setup - it should spot some common permission mistakes.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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