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Re: Some emails baypass Recipe

2003-10-18 16:41:28
On 14 Oct 2003, at 09:32, Jacoub Sbaiti wrote:
Hi there,
Sometimes an email bypases the recipe, and when I forward the email again to myself the recipe captures it!

Likely the first message is base64 encoded (or something) so the plain text you are searching for is not in the email, per se. When you forward it to yourself, it goes as simple text so the text *is* in the message.

As an aside, unless you have either limitless time or a deep and complete understanding of procmail, trying to use procmail to catch spam is a failing proposition (as in "doomed to..."). Use Spam Assassin; it works well.

Although there are people who use procmail very efficiently (even more efficiently than SpamAssassin) to avoid spam, they are people with years of experience with procmail.

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