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Re: Question about my filter

2003-10-26 00:27:52
At 21:28 2003-10-25 -0600, Lukreme wrote:
A negative score is not spam.

Which is why he's compensating in the rule.

Before we go over it (using a SANDBOX), let's point out that the:

        * $MATCH^0

doesn't work, because the variable isn't properly expanded. You need to use the $ condition modifer flag:

        * $ $MATCH^0

Original conditions (with fix for above variable expansion):

* ^X-Spam-Score:[^0-9.]*\/[0-9.]+
* -9.876^0
* $ $MATCH^0

If message arrives with X-Spam-Score: -8.42 (fine, so it isn't spam):

procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
procmail: Matched "8.42"
procmail: Match on "^X-Spam-Score:[^0-9.]*\/[0-9.]+"
procmail: Score:      -9      -9 ""
procmail: Score:       8      -1 ""

Ok, not flagged as spam, right? Kewl. But note that the MATCH variable was 8.42 *NOT* -8.42 - the more NOT spammy it is, the more likely it'll get flagged as spam because the unsigned value will exceed the POSITIVE spam threshold being checked for. So, a -10 spam score would ACTUALLY be flagged as spam by the original recipe. That's of course, not good.

Now, look at the revised recipe:

   * ^X-Spam-Score:[^0-9.]*\/-?[0-9.]+
   * -4.987^0
   * $MATCH^0

Which nets:

procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
procmail: Matched "-8.42"
procmail: Match on "^X-Spam-Score:[^0-9.]*\/-?[0-9.]+"
procmail: Score:      -4      -4 ""
procmail: Score:      -8     -13 ""

i.e. a very NEGATIVE score. The bigger the NEGATIVE value of the spammishness score, the bigger the negative of the procmail scoring - which is how it should be.

I didn't follow the discussion close enough to care why the scoring adjustment was halved (I don't use SA and don't plan to).

BTW, a few days ago, there was some rambling under this same topic about something which boiled down to the following construct:

* ^X-Spam-Score:.*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

Besides lacking the lockfile flag (and, isn't the -Score a strict numeric, with -Level being the repeating symbol line?), which should be corrected, I've previously pointed out a somewhat more intuitive way to do this so that you score it by number:

* ^X-Spam-Level: \/[*]+
* -6^0
* ^1^1 MATCH ?? (\*)

-6 is ONE less than the limit you're defining (in the previously discussed filter, there's seven escaped asterisks, so here, you'll have a +1 score).

Alternatley, if you want a single number threshold EQUAL to the number of asterisks, simply add the following:

* 1^0

Then set the negative baseline equal to the number you consider to be spam.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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