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Re: procmail and cyrus

2004-04-21 14:25:28

I tried to strip the header from message. That did not do the trick for me.
So probably something else is wrong.
The below lines your complete procmailrc?
Is there some way to increase debugging of procmail?

with regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jake Di Toro" <karrde+procmail(_at_)viluppo(_dot_)net>
To: <procmail(_at_)lists(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: procmail and cyrus

I know some things are different between versions 1 and 2, but this is
how things are setup on my box with no problems:


#Remove "From " header and preserve in custom header to enable cyrus
:0 fhw
* ^From \/.*
| $FORMAIL -I "From " -A "X-Viluppo-From: $MATCH"

# Test for existance of user rules and deliver if not existant
:0 w
* ? test ! -e $HOME/.procmailrc

And just for completeness:

 >ls -l /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver
-rwsr-sr-x    1 cyrus    mail       210440 Dec 21  2002

any sorting that is done in my personal filters is just acomplished by

:0 w
* <rule>
| $DELIVER -m <folder> $LOGNAME

I belive the one of the bigger differences in Cyrus-2 is that it is no
longer necessary to remove the "From " header, but it's probably worth
a try.

Till Later, Jake <karrde+procmail(_at_)viluppo(_dot_)net>
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