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Re: spam from dynamic IP's

2004-06-27 13:59:54
Hello Dallman, 

Am 2004-06-27 22:18:25, schrieb Dallman Ross:

See that "7283" on the right of the subject?  They don't all have
that sort of thing, but lots of them do.  That's a good place to start.
This message didn't get even close to lainding in my spool, and all checks
performed are only my standard headers checks written 1-2 years ago.

I have counted more the 2000 different header...
First I was trying to filter by Header, but then it was more then 
150 and I have stoped. But I do not like to stop the rassist SPAM !

I like to STOP ALL DUL mails !

Hell, just blocking on the word "Auslaender" in the subject and without
the user appearing in the To line would be a good start!

Nice I have 176 E-Mails and I get this crap on 153 !

I was thinking, I can use telnet to "ping" the ip:25


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