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procmail tuning

2004-07-20 07:00:27
Can anyone think of a situation where a users .procmailrc spawns many procmail processes? I've seen this occur a number of times where certain
users suddenly have 50 or more procmails running. I'm thinking that maybe
I need to tune *down* the host ie set maxusers (solaris) to a low number
rather than going into each users procmailrc and adding some kind of lock
file (I'm not convinced lockfiles would solve the problem anyway)
I've already got sendmail params throttling st mail doesn't choke ie
during a storm, mail is reduced to a specific level and queued up elsewhere.

The users involved have very simplistic procmailrc's ie just testing headers,
never even using formail to test for loops...


 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David Stern                                            University of Maryland
                Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

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