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Re: Removing line-wrapped header

2004-09-10 02:00:26
On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 06:23:20PM +1200, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
The sed solution has these downsides:

#   * Matching is case-sensitive. GNU sed can make the s/// command
#     case-insensitive, but not addresses.

You're not finding the address already in procmail?

For that matter, you could be identifying the email in procmail, and
you could even identify which number the header has.  I.e., if the
multiple headers are "X-Somehead:" and the offending one is the
third one of seven, how do we know?  Procmail can tell us that.
Then you would feed the number to sed, as in "delete the 3rd one
of X-Somehead:."  Much easier to grok for humans, even if Ruud's
sed does the job on its own.

Volker, Du bist schuld, da ich von diesem Scheiss-Problem getraeumt habe!  :-)


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